New Summerfield Saturday
New Summerfield, TX — August 31 (Special) Receipts at Tri County Livestock Market, 697 head. Some plain cattle below these figures.
Steers: under 300 lbs. $255-420; 300-400 lbs. $255-400; 400-500 lbs. $220-345; 500-600 lbs. $220-305; 600-700 lbs. $200-260; 700-800 lbs. $200-235.
Heifers: under 300 lbs. $215-400; 300-400 lbs. $210-350; 400-500 lbs. $205-295; 500-600 lbs. $205-260; 600-700 lbs. $200-240; 700-800 lbs. $185-220. Lower quality heifers NT.
Slaughter cows $105-144. Heavy bulls $145-186. Light bulls NT. Stocker cows $1350-2150. Cow/calf pairs (top) $1550-2750. Low-middle pairs NT. Baby calves NT.
Paris Saturday
Paris, TX — August 31 (Special) Receipts at Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission: 804 head, including 121 cows, 18 bulls, 605 calves and 60 goats. Very good quality calves for the market. 5-10 cents per lb. better than August 24.
Steers: 300 lbs. and under $200-380; 300-400 lbs. $150-375; 400-500 lbs. $145-350; 500-600 lbs. $130-270; 600-700 lbs. $110-250; 700-800 lbs. $105-237.50; 800 lbs. and up $100-230.
Heifers: 300 lbs. and under $205-350; 300-400 lbs. $190-335; 400-500 lbs. $160-315; 500-600 lbs. $125-250; 600-700 lbs. $110-230; 700-800 lbs. $105-225; 800 lbs. and up $100-210.
Slaughter cows $80-148. Slaughter bulls $130-189. Stocker cows $1150-2350, pairs $1100-2350. Baby calves $300-675.
Holstein: steers $150-175. Holstein: heifers $800-1250. Goats $30-255.
Hamilton Sheep & Goats
Hamilton, TX — September 2 - Receipts at Hamilton Sheep and Goat Sale: 2159. Dorper lambs: steady to $10 higher; wool lambs: steady to $10 higher; BBD lambs: steady; ewes: steady; kids: steady to $10 higher; nannies: steady to $10 higher.
Slaughter Goat Kids: 20-40 lbs. $150-345; 40-70 lbs. $180-340; 70 lbs. & up $175-300; show kids: NT.
Slaughter Nannies: Thin $60-95/hd; Medium $100-140/hd; Fleshy $145-250/hd.
Replacement Nannies: Med. Quality $100-160/hd; Choice Quality $150-275/hd; Few Select Nannies $425/hd.
Spanish, Boer, & Boer Cross Billies: Slaughter $155-205; Breeding $200-240.
Pygmy & Nigerian Dwarfs: Kids $100-200; Nannies $40-100/hd; Billies $105-150.
Dorper lambs: 20-40 lbs. $200-250; 40-70 lbs. $215-305; 70 lbs. & up $170-240; ewe lambs NT.
Dorper: Ewes $70-200/hd; Choice Dorper Rams $110-150.
Wool lambs: 20-40 lbs. NT; 40-70 lbs. NT; 70 lbs. & up $170-245; show lambs $160-175.
Ewes: Stocker NT; Slaughter $70-115; Show Lambs NT.
Barbadoes: Lambs $130-225; Ewes $45-90/hd; Rams $250-900/hd.
Fancier kids/lambs will consistently bring $15-25/cwt higher than what is posted on this market report.
Hugo Friday
Hugo, OK — August 30 (Special) Receipts at Three Creek Livestock Auction: 360 head. Calves were steady with good demand. Packer cows were $3-4 lower.
Steers: 100-300 lb. $360-360; 300-400 lb. $255-340; 400-500 lb. $237-327; 500-600 lb. $230-285; 600-700 lb. $225-255; 700-800 lb. $212-227; 800 lbs. and up $180-230.
Heifers: 100-300 lb. $300-360; 300-400 lb. $250-335; 400-500 lb. $230-285; 500-600 lb. $220-237; 600-700 lb. $212-237; 700-800 lb. $210-217; 800 lbs. and up $200-210.
Packers $60-152; Stockers $126-187. Bulls $145-170. Cows per head NT. Bulls per head NT. Calves per head $200-625. Top packer cow $152. Top packer bull $170. Pairs NT. Goat $25-285; and sheep $55-170.
Gainesville Friday
Gainesville, TX — August 30 (Special) Receipts at Gainesville Livestock Market, Inc.: 894. The market was steady on most classes of calves. The front end sets of weaned calves had good demand especially on the steers. The bawling calves were steady unless they was overly fleshy. Short numbers are keeping the light calves in good demand. The feeder cattle was steady on the yearlings and the heavy calves. The stock cow market was $50 higher again with limited numbers of young cows to pick from the stock cows are going to stay in good demand especially with the calf prices as good as they are. The packer cows was steady on the top end cows and $5-6 cheaper on the rest.
Feeder Steers: Medium and large frame, 200-300 lbs., No. 1 $365-420; 300-400 lbs., No. 1 $320-365; 400-500 lbs., No. 1 $290-320; 500-600 lbs., No. 1 $270-295; 600-700 lbs., No. 1 $255-285; 700-800 lbs., No. 1 $240-265.
Feeder Heifers: Medium and large frame, 200-300 lbs., No. 1 $285-350; 300-400 lbs., No. 1 $270-315; 400-500 lbs., No. 1 $260-285; 500-600 lbs., No. 1 $230-271; 600-700 lbs., No. 1 $225-250; 700-800 lbs., No. 1 $210-230.
#2’s and #3’s on feeder steers and heifers will be 20-30 cents off of the #1’s.
Slaughter bulls: Y.G. 1-2, 1200-2050 lbs. $140-185. Slaughter cows #1, $110-142, cutters $70-105.
Stocker cows PG’d tested 3-9 years: Large frame $1700-2450, medium frame $900-1500.
Cow and calf pairs: Cows with calves under 250 lbs., large frame $2200-2800, medium frame $1400-2000. Cross bred calves: $400-550.
Buffalo Livestock
Buffalo, TX — August 31 - Receipts: 983.
Slaughter cows: cutter cows $109-142; fat cows $105-130; canner cows $65-110.
Slaughter bulls: heavy bulls $140-170; light bulls $95-175.
Cow/calf pairs & bred cows: choice NT; good NT; plain NT; bred cows 3-6 yrs. old $1250-2450.
Steer/bull calves & yearlings: 150-200 lbs. $200-350; 200-300 lbs. $230-402; 300-400 lbs. $225-330; 400-500 lbs. $220-340; 500-600 lbs. $210-265; 600-700 lbs. $195-251; 700-800 lbs. $170-244.
Heifer calves & yearling: 150-200 lbs. $200-325; 200-300 lbs. $210-300; 300-400 lbs. $205-300; 400-500 lbs. $200-294; 500-600 lbs. $190-251; 600-700 lbs. $165-238; 700-800 lbs. $155-222.
These prices reflect the good to choice cattle, and the plainer cattle would be $25-40 behind these figures.
Jordan Weekly
Market Report
Mason & San Saba – August 29. Receipts totaled 4,198 head. Demand was good again with the stocker steers selling steady and the stocker heifers selling $6-8 lower. The feeder steers sold $5-8 higher with 6 steers 818 lbs at $224 ($1832.32). The feeder heifers sold $3-4 higher with 2 heifers 735 lbs at $223 ($1639.05). The packer cows were $4-8 lower and packer bulls were steady to $3 lower. Pairs and bred cows were steady and in good demand.
Steers: Choice calves 100-300 lbs. $354-425; 300-400 lbs. $296-400; 400-500 lbs. $288-360; 500-600 lbs. $257-340; 600-700 lbs. $230-266; 700-800 lbs. $220-250.
Heifers: Choice calves 100-300 lbs. NT; 300-400 lbs. $247-315; 400-500 lbs. $242-280; 500-600 lbs. $227-281; 600-700 lbs. $208-258; 700-800 lbs. $201-224.
Yearlings: Choice steers 700-800 lbs. $230-250; Choice steers 800+ lbs. $200-248; Choice heifers 700-800 lbs. $205-224; Choice heifers 800+ lbs. $185-199; #2 Steer calves & yearlings $140-230; #2 Heifer calves & yearlings $125-215; Shorties & Plainer calves & yearlings $60-210.
Cows: Choice bred $2000-3600; Medium to good bred $1400-1975; Plainer & older bred $600-1375; High yield $135-149; Medium yield $120-134; Low yield $60-119; Heiferettes & young stockers $128-170.
Bulls: High yield $152-175; Medium yield $135-151; Low yield $120-134; Feeders NT.
Pairs: Choice $2300-4000; Medium to good $1800-2275; Plainer & older pairs $1500-1775.
Some representative sales: Little F Ranch, Sterling City, 1 steer 355 lbs $390; JC Lingle, Evant, 1 steer 435 lbs $345; Chad Evans, Comanche, 1 steer 535 lbs $340; Sammy Shelton, Comanche, 1 heifer 485 lbs $281; Wagner & Gerdes, San Saba, 4 heifers 629 lbs $241; Stewardson Livestock, 2 heifers 678 lbs $232.
Decatur Monday
Decatur, TX — September 2 (Special) Receipts at Decatur Livestock Market were 834 head including: 14 bulls, 133 cows, 25 calves, 128 Longhorns, 150 stocker heifers, 174 stocker steers, 91 feeder heifers, 119 feeder steers. Market was steady to higher on most classes of cattle with lots of demand for weaned calves. 130 weaned offered during our weaned segment with several more consignments during the regular calf segment. Strong demand continues for good, take home bred cows and pairs. Packer prices steady.
Steers: 200-299 lbs. $280-360; #2-Plain $200-280; 300-399 lbs. $253-340; #2-Plain $135-253; 400-499 lbs. $249-315, #2-Plain $170-249; 500-599 lbs. $242-277; #2-Plain $100-242; 600-699 lbs. $241-272, #2-Plain $115-241; 700-799 lbs. $180-254, #2-Plain $95-180; 800-899 lbs. $170-228; #2-Plain $110-170; 900-999 lbs. NT, #2-Plain NT.
Heifers: 200-299 lbs. $265-330, #2-Plain $190-265; 300-399 lbs. $266-320 #2-Plain $170-266; 400-499 lbs. $252-287, #2-Plain $135-252; 500-599 lbs. $226-252; #2-Plain $77-226; 600-699 lbs. $210-230; #2-Plain $110-210; 700-799 lbs. $220-237; #2-Plain $115-220; 800-899 lbs. $187-208, #2-Plain $120-187; 900-999 lbs. NT, #2-Plain NT.
Pairs: young NT; mid-age $1550-2300. Pregnancy tested cows: young $1800-2400; mid-age $1500-1900.
High Yield Cows: $138-149; Low Yield Cows: $74-115. Feeder bulls $180-210.
Bulls, high yield (over 1300 lbs.) $155-170. Low yield bulls (over 1300 lbs.) $118-135.
Baby Calves: up to 200 lbs. $300-750/hd.
Some representative sales: Richard Zamarron, Weatherford, 270 lb. steer at $3.60; True Grit Ranch, Granbury, 3 head, 344 lb. steer at $3.35; Russell King, Alvord, 430 lb. steer at $3.15; Dennis Brooks, Alvord, 270 lb. heifer at $3.30; Lee Everett, 2 head, 307 lb. heifer at $3.20; Mel Holloway, Decatur, 2 head, 415 lb. heifer at $2.87.
San Angelo Cattle
San Angelo, TX — August 29
(F-S) Receipts at Producers Livestock Auction Co.: 1,137. Steer and heifer calves firm, yearlings weak. Slaughter cows $3-5 lower; slaughter bulls steady. Replacement cows and pairs not well tested. Trading and demand fair.
Feeder Cattle Steers - Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 285-298 292.00-297.50; 310-340 340.00-352.50; 365-373 350.00-355.00; 400-445 300.00-322.00; 498 290.00; 508-546 264.00-274.00; 585-591 262.00-270.00; 629 257.00; 651-676 247.00-256.00; 708 231.00.
Heifers - Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 278-298 285.00-297.50; 307-347 280.00-290.00; 375-392 280.00-281.00; 402-435 261.00-274.00; 458 262.00; 506-543 220.00-232.00; 550-595 226.00-232.00; 611-630 212.00-222.00; 665-668 211.00-214.50; 703-733 198.00-206.00.
Cows - Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 805-845 117.00-126.00 Thin Fleshed; 855 117.00 Thin Fleshed; 1160 119.00 Thin Fleshed.
Bulls - Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 427-448 240.00; 543 238.00; 555-560 235.00-247.00; 623-638 215.00-228.00; 672-686 216.00-228.00; 735-738 210.00-216.00; 756-793 210.00-213.00; 845 213.00; 863 198.00.
Slaughter Cattle Cows - Breaker 75-80% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1595 124.50 Average; 1495-1775 110.00-115.00 Low.
Cows - Boner 80-85% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1205-1540 125.00-138.00 Average.
Cows - Lean 85-90% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1030-1295 121.00-130.00 Average; 905-1175 114.00-121.00 Low; 700-1265 101.00-105.00 Very Low.
Bulls - 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1543-2010 152.00-165.00 Average; 1258-1990 128.00-150.00 Low.
Replacement Cattle Stock Cows - Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 1065 181.00; 955-1375 136.00-140.00.
Bred Cows - Medium and Large 2 (Per Unit / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 955-1140 1500.00-1850.00.
OKC West Wednesday
Oklahoma City, OK — August 28 (F‑S) Receipts at OKC West - El Reno Livestock Market: 4,534. Feeder steers and heifers traded fully $6-8 higher than August 21 lower market. Demand continues to be be good for feeders. Steers and heifer calves sold $5-10 higher. Demand good despite the continued heat.
Feeder Cattle Steers - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 393 320.00; 409-445 312.50-335.00; 477-483 320.00-330.00; 501 310.00; 516 290.00 Unweaned; 550-585 282.50-292.50; 623 278.00; 605-642 250.00-255.00 Unweaned; 667-697 267.00-268.00; 676 250.00 Unweaned; 708-749 241.50-254.50; 752-795 245.00-251.00; 803-849 241.00-254.00; 871 238.50; 901-924 223.75-231.00; 981 224.50; 1096 199.50; 1103 186.00.
Heifers - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 327 315.00; 355 345.00 Thin Fleshed; 417 340.00 Thin Fleshed; 455-470 275.00-290.00; 456 350.00 Thin Fleshed; 473 275.00 Unweaned; 511 272.50-290.00; 548 267.00 Unweaned; 550-574 252.50-272.50; 574-599 249.00-260.00 Unweaned; 629-647 232.50-237.50 Unweaned; 672 247.00; 723-741 237.75-240.00; 772 233.00; 803-815 221.00-229.00; 851 217.00; 949 212.00; 1155 184.00.
Bulls - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 392 392.00; 410 320.00; 466 285.00; 570-578 260.00 Unweaned; 702 243.00 Unweaned.
Oklahoma Hay
Oklahoma City, OK – August 30 (F-S) Hay trade is at a standstill. Oklahoma still has a lot of 2023 hay, which is being sold and still stacked in barns.
Trends: Alfalfa Large rounds & squares $175-200 a ton - 2024; Grinding hay - No Trend; Bermuda 5x6 rounds - $70-90 a bale - 2024; Bermuda 5x6 rounds - $50-55 a bale - Year Old Hay; Bermuda Large Squares - No Trend; Wheat Hay 5x6 Round and Large Squares - $80-100 a Ton - 2024 Grass Hay 4x5-4x6 - $45-$55 a bale - 2024; Grass Hay 5x6 - No Trend; Rough Grass Hay any size $30-40 a bale - Year Old Hay.
The Oklahoma Mesonet Drought Monitor shows we are at 0 percent in exceptional drought, 4.56 percent in an extreme drought, 17.52 percent in severe drought, 47.55 percent in moderate, 74.36 percent in abnormally dry conditions, and 25.64 percent that has no drought conditions.
Central: Alfalfa - Supreme (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 200.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Good (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 150.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 70.00 F.O.B. Sudan - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 100.00 F.O.B.
North Central: Bermuda Grass - Premium/Supreme (Trade/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 90.00 F.O.B.; Small Square 11.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 80.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 70.00 F.O.B.
Northeast: Prairie/Meadow Grass - Premium (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 55.00 F.O.B. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 50.00 F.O.B. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Good (Trade/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 45.00 F.O.B.
Northwest: Alfalfa - Supreme (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 200.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 170.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Fair/Good (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Ground 80.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 80.00 F.O.B. Wheat - Good (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 80.00 F.O.B.